Past Presentations
2011-12 November Dr. Arthur Toga Mapping the Human Brain
2011-12 December Dr. Jim Hammond The Expanding Universe
2011-12 January Dr. Robert Collins Human Memory: Concussions and Alzheimer's Disease
2011-12 February Dr. Beverly Torok-Storb Stem Cells: Controversies and Resolution
2011-12 May Dr. Allison Summers When a Child Can't See
2012-13 January Dr. Forrest Towne How Do We Become Smart?
2012-13 February John Liccardo Male/Female Differences in Sports Performance
2012-13 April Bruce Emerson Particle Physics and the Cosmos
2012-13 May Emma Chaput Emerging Infectious Diseases
2013-14 September Dr. Daniele McKay Volcanoes in Central Oregon
2013-14 October Paul Hudak Creating and Sustaining Seed-to-Table programs
2013-14 November Dr. Tim Deboodt Junipers: Trees or Weeds?
2013-14 January Dr. Michel Waller Primate Behavior: Us and Them
2013-14 February Amy Harper Anthropology of Islam
2013-14 March Mike Cappiello The Fukushima Disaster: 3 Years Later
2013-14 April John Liccardo Physiology: Doping and Ethics in Sports
2013-14 May Julie Hood Gonsalves Nutrition Facts and Diet Fantasy
2014-15 September Peg Brand & Ed Weiser Death with Dignity
2014-15 October Dr. Robert Collins Charles Darwin on Evolution
2014-15 November Angela Sitz Sage Grouse Recovery
2014-15 January Mike Cappiello Global Warming
2014-15 February Constance Miller Responses of Mountain Ecosystems to Climate
2014-15 March Dr. Ryan Derby-Talbot Mathematics and Intuition
2014-15 April Dr. Larry Price The Nature of Matter and the Higgs Boson
2014-15 May Dr. John Bailey Sustainable Forest Management Practices and Fire
2015-16 September Dr. Rainer Storb Human Stem Cell Transplants for Fatal Diseases
2015-16 October Dr. Danielle McKay Cascadia: The Next Earthquake and Tsunami
2015-16 November Steven Peterzen Near Space research: A Stratospheric View
2015-16 January Dr. Scott Fisher How Did We Get here: Clues from the Solar System
2015-16 February Jon Renner Science and Society
2015-16 March Dusty Miller/Barbara Schulz Antarctica: Living and Working on Ice
2015-16 April Dr. Robert Collins Music and the Brain
2015-16 May Theresa Denham Tick Talk: Can I Really Contract Lyme Disease?
2016-17 September Dr. Emily Ho Nutrition and Cancer Prevention
2016-17 October Dr. Patrick O'Grady Ancient Archeology in Central Oregon
2016-17 November Karen Allen Biomimicry: Sustainable Innovation Inspired by Nature
2016-17 February Dr. Robert Beschta Wolves in Yellowstone: The Role of an Apex Predator
2016-17 March Dr. Alex Forrest Eutrification of Lake Tahoe by Climate Change
2016-17 April Dr. Chris Hagen Biofuels
2016-17 May Bob Grossfield The 2017 Solar Eclipse
2017-18 September Gabe Gabrielle To Infinity and Beyond
2017-18 October Dr. Larry Sherman The Neuroscience of Pleasure and Love
2017-18 November Donald Miller Pachyderm Intrigue and Elephant Lessons
2017-18 January Barbara Pettersen The New Genetics: Promises and Pitfalls
2017-18 February Dr. Jerry Freilich Undamming the Elwah: A River Revived
2017-18 March Dr. Larry Price Gravitational Waves The Discovery of the Century
2017-18 April Nancy Hughes StoveTeam International Cooking Shouldn't Kill
2017-18 May Dr. Dennis Jenkins Archaeology and Science at the Paisley Caves
2018-19 September Brad Chalfant The Rebirth of Whychus Creek–and its Future
2018-19 October Dr. Barbara Handelin The Good, the Ugly, the Curious: Everything is Genetics
2018-19 November Dr. Steve Grossnickle Global Climate Change: A Tree's Perspective
2018-19 January Dr. Kirsten Grorud-Colvert Oregon's Ocean: Local Legacy and Global Goals
2018-19 February Dr. Daniel Lowd (Postponed until April due to snow)
2018-19 March Dr. Larry Price The Big Picture: Photographing the Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy
2018-19 April. Dr. Daniel Lowd Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence: Science takes on fake news
2018-19 May Dr. Bob Collins The Brain Makes the Mind
2019-20 September Dr. Rick Spinrad How Oceanography Will Save the World
2019-20 October Dr. Jerry Freilich Biodiversity Begins with a Bee
2019-20 November Dr. Daniele McKay Climate Change: A Geologic Perspective
2019-20 January Dr. Matt Shinderman Vineyard Landscapes: Biodiversity and Conservation for Wine Lovers and Others
2019-20 February Dr. Larry Price Dark Matter and its Silver Lining
2019-20 March Dr. Alison Carter The Unburied Secrets of Angkor, Cambodia (cancelled)
2019-20 April Dr. Ellen Peters Decision Science
2019-20 May Dr. Bob Collins Something Brainy
(Gap due to pandemic)
2022-23 February Dr. Mark Pitzer Making Memories: Using Neuroscience to Enhance Teaching and Learning
2022-23 April Dr. Sarah Schtick Cha-Cha-Changes: Strange Stories of DNA, Mobilization, and Evolution
2023-24 October. Dr. Robert Collins Starry Nights in a Dark Desert (How Outer Space Makes Inner Sense)
2023-24 November Dr. Mark Pitzer Building Stronger Memories: Insights from Neuroscience to Enhance Learning and Retention
2023-24 January Dr. Richard Schultz Impact of Adult Development and Aging on Caregivers
2023-24 February Dr. Donna Davis AR/VR/AI and its Good, Bad and Ugly
2023-24 March Dr. Jerry Freilich River Ecology
2023-24 April Dr. Daniele McKay Geology of Central Oregon: New Insights on the Tectonic Forces Shaping Oregon’s Landscapes
2023-24 July Dr. Shane L. Larson Astronomy Frontiers: 35 Years Ago and 35 Years From Now View presentation
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